Wednesday 8 February 2012

Love For Everyone...

As a Happily Taken Lady, this is one of my favorite times of year. I know it’s a “Hallmark holiday,” and therefor shouldn’t carry much weight, since we should appreciate your significant other every day of the year, much like you should appreciate your parents all the time, not just Father’s and Mother’s Day. However.... you should always express love to all the ones you care about... its not just for your significant other.

Thinking about it though, I realized that I have many loved ones. No, not like that; I’m just blessed with many wonderful friends, which hasn’t necessarily been true throughout my life. I was a weird kid, one of the types who wanted braces and glasses. Middle and high school weren’t much easier,  I bounced around in many different group of friends and I didn’t really find myself with a solid group of friends until college.

Friends can give you the best type of love.  I think it’s important to remember the quieter love of the friend who stays up drinking wine with you after a bad day, even though they have work in the morning. The love of a friend who you can laugh so hard with you both start to cry. The love of a friend who will sit in silence with you after you’ve had a bad break-ip, your boss was an ass... or your altogether just having a bad day. Those are the kind of friends I’ve found in the last three years, and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

So in the month of February, a time of romantic love and flowers and chocolates, I ask you to remember the friends you hold dear and where you might be without them.

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