Sunday 5 February 2012

Valentines Day

I don't know about you, but I find that Valentine's Day creeps up on me way too quickly! January tends to be a catch up month for me. It's about putting away holiday decorations, re-organizing, decluttering, cleaning, making resolutions and getting back to life as usual. I begin to enjoy the less chaotic life and before I know it, it is Superbowl and then January is gone. There are only 14 days in February before Valentine's Day and those 14 days fly by....currently now.. there is 9 :(

I love spoiling my family, my boyfriend, my friendsthe people I love, with fun homemade cards, crafts and fun Valentine's Day food. I tend to go all out with pink and red hearts and flowers... I might even say I am a bit obsessed with this over-celebrated holiday.  This year I am off, I will probably spend the day baking cupcakes.... reading sappy books, watching lovey-dovey movies and sipping wine, thinking about love, marriage and everything romantic.

On a personal, stupid level, I love Valentine’s day because pink is my favorite color. I like it because it’s a happy, cheerful color that reminds me of cupcake frosting, cotton candy and everything girly. Yep, it’s true Valentines Day is my absolute favorite of the year.  More than Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Easter combined. So, for all you haters of my favorite holiday, just know that it is so much more than romantic trysts and expensive gifts.  It’s about taking one day and putting special focus on loving the ones you’re with, and letting them love you back.

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