Wednesday 1 February 2012

My New Obsession

Like thousands of people I have become obsessed with Pinterest. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. I have been motivated to bake more and craft more and even ponder the thoughts and quotes of others more.  UH. I can’t even act like I’m upset about my newest addiction. I’m a serial pinner (my fellow Pinners would appreciate that), and I have no shame, ya’ll.

It starts every night when everyone is asleep. I meander Facebook, answer a few emails that I put off throughout the day, and then it just happens. It’s 3:00 AM and I’ve got about 10 new pins to my name. At first it started of being a reminder of the clothes I will never afford, the home décor I can never fit into our small home, the recipes and crafts I am too lazy to ever make, the saying I wasn’t clever enough to think of on my own, the photos I wish I had taken but didn’t. Then, I started to see that there is things on there for everyone!

If you haven’t yet heard of this amazing site called Pinterest, the virtual bulletin board phenomenon taking the Internet by storm, you soon will.  The food… the party planning… the crafts…  The D.I.Y ideas.... YOU WILL! Pinterest is slowly taking over my life (but I love it). And I’m not alone in my obsession. So I promise you that, I haven’t given up on my blog... I have just been ummm... Distracted haha! If you want to follow my pinterest... here I am! Follow Me

Happy Pinning!!!

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