Monday 27 February 2012

Just Another...Weekend Night Shift....

I'm thankful that I still have a job and all but working the overnight shift this week has been sucking (not the people I work with.... they are great!!!!!)  It's not so much the change of pace it provides, which I kinda like... it's the complete reversal of my sleep schedule that's been kicking my ass! Lately I have a hard time sleeping during the day,  it feels like a complete waste of a decent day to be wasting it sleeping.

Feels like just yesterday that I was a fresh faced student showing up for Day 1 of the PCP course, all bright eyed and bushy tailed… full of excitement. Going on 2 years later my eyes have even more excitement but are little less bright and the tail a little less bushy. It has been one hell of a ride, but through good and bad, I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it.

As a rookie everything is brand new and you cannot get enough of what is being thrown at you. Flashing lights and sirens, rushing to the sides of people in distress, being the one in control of an emergency…or so you think. Hell even the call for abdominal pain at 3 in the morning is exciting. It’s all a chance to learn and get experience, learning from your mistakes and always improving your patient care and clinical judgement.

I have had the good fortune of having some amazing partners and encouraging paramedics to help me stumble through my first calls, although I have yet to respond to a serious emergent call, I feel I will be in good hands when I do.

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