Monday 13 February 2012

Love Never Fails...

Happy Love Day, everyone!  Here's to celebrating all the love we have in our lives, romantic or otherwise.  I don't know about you, but I could always do with a little celebration, so go out and show a little love to someone who deserves it today, I say.

Valentine’s Day has always been a bit odd for me (even though I love it). When you’re single, it’s almost an inescapable reminder that well, you’re single, and two, you’re still single. Perhaps it’s just me, but the heart shaped chocolates and the ultimate question of “What are you doing for Valentines Day” makes it seem a bit awkward that you are single,even though that isn’t the case any other day! Almost like a reminder.. of  “what are you waiting for”...get a boyfriend!!!

And then when you’re in a relationship, there are often expectations and and an uncomfortable sense of pressure around the occasion. I don’t think you have to buy someone something, to prove your love.  Well, I’ve decided this year, that Valentine’s day really should be a day like all others, a day of love, appreciation and affection. You don’t need to be in a romantic relationship to celebrate your friends, your family and even strangers. I believe there are many different people who are all sources of love that surround you.

So, I am going to stick to three points. 1. Have low expectations (..what I mean by this is... don’t expect to much and enjoy the small things life has to offer). 2. Tell at least 5 people in your life that you love them (including friends, family.. the one you love). 3. Just be….with love. Be it, act it, think it, embrace it and be open to it!!!!!

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