Wednesday 21 December 2011

A Girly Blog!!!!

I Love Heels, They are Fabulous and make me feel Sexy. I know, I know. It’s weird to hear me say this because for several reasons I wear flats most of the time. And when I wear heels, they’re only one to two inches high. For lots of us the thought of teetering around in huge heels is a nightmare but there is no denying that some outfits just look better with a bit of extra leg length ( and for us vertically challenged people, its a necessity).

We are not all blessed with the aptitude for curving our feet into foot oragami, the talent of balancing the tips of our heels onto a slither of a wedge. It’s not every young woman’s calling, yet the majority of us respond to society’s appeal for the long, lustrous sexy legs attained by the elevated shoe, aka the high heel.

I cannot walk in heels… I just can’t. Except for the times I’m slightly inebriated, which for some reason whisks with it the magical capability of maintaining the composure of my usually wobbly feet. Or if the shoe features a thick wedge and a front platform. But for the most part, I’m the waddling penguin who seems to have grabbed a pair of shoes from her mother’s closet. But a couple of times a month, I break out my high heels, which are no higher than three inches because that’s all I can bear. And I feel fabulous.

Don't we all feel so sexy when we slip on those gorgeous high heels that we just HAD to have .... sexy until we start walking that is! It's the age old pleasure pain principle ... we get all the pleasure of feeling like a supermodel but at the expense of walking like a fool. The “High Heel” is at once every woman's best friend and worst enemy.

Even if you think you’re “too tall” or “can’t walk in heels”, think again. Every fashionista should own at least one pair of fabulous heels and they’re the perfect example a true fashion must-have, a transformative piece of clothing that adds a little extra something to any outfit. So, with that being said, I have bought several pairs of heels in my lifetime. Some that I have wore and some that have sat in my closet collecting dust. With this whole blog, of me growing up.. I decided to do it.

When I first started wearing heels these are the types that I have bought!   They were easy to wear, they had straps to prevent them from falling off my feet, BUT... they always gave me blisters.

Today, I went Shopping and found the most amazing heels, Actually wedges.. They feel great! I love them and I just have to show them off.

Lastly, I have a goal, the more I teach myself "how to like my heels" .. the more excited I am to slip on a little black dress, and put on these bad boys without breaking my neck!!! They are 4.5 Inches High!

.....I will leave you with an awesome quote about heels that sums me up perfectly!!!!!

"I`m always the girl at the party who, within five minutes, has taken my heels off, hitched up my dress in my knickers, and probably spilt drink down my cleavage"


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