Saturday 31 December 2011

Thankful For Everything

So, I thought that My last blog before the New Year would be a few hours ago, But I changed my mind. I decided since the year is almost @ an end, I would write a little blog about some of the things that I have been greatful for in the year of 2011!!!

To The People Who Made it Worth It...

My Boyfriend: He is truly my best friend and my biggest fan. I am blessed to get unconditional love and acceptance, and he always makes me feel like I'm special and well liked. I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have him.

My Parents: I'm thankful to be the daughter of two very loving, supportive people. My father has been working in Africa for about a year now, and I don’t see him often, but he is never forgotten and always loved. My mom, and I have bonded more this year then we ever have and I have grown to love and appreciate all the little things she has done for me over the years. My parents enabled me to experience many things, regardless of how much they sometimes worried. They gave me everything they possibly could ... and even some things they probably couldn't. Thank You Mom & Dad!

My Siblings: I have been blessed with a blended & extended family. Some of whom I have never met, haven’t seen in years and one that I see on a regular basis. I want to make more of an effort in the year of 2012 to spend quality time with each and every one of you. I love you all!

My friends: If I named them all individually, from wonderful acquaintances to tried and true friends, I'd have a blog that would run onto 2013. I don't have a large number of close friends, but I do know there are a lot of good people, near and far, who I can count on, who care about me, and who want only the best for me. I truly value my friends and will never have "enough" or too many. I love you all so deeply!

My beloved Kitty Cat Jack:
  Always there to greet me and even cuddle around my feet when I come through the door, Jack gives me so much love. I know he won't be with us forever, but I cherish the time we've spent together and the time we still have. There's nothing like the unconditional love of a Kitty Cat.

My Co-Workers: They have each day and night at work so much more bearable. Working in the health care field isn't always easy and having a great set of co-workers is what makes it worth it. I love each and everyone of you and thanks for making the shifts amazing.

To The Moments That Took My Breath Away...

Traveling to foreign countries: Thanks to my parents for the lovely Christmas Gift, I was able to visit Cuba with my boyfriend. It has opened my eyes to something new. Although I have been to New York, New Jersey and Las Vegas, It was nice to see a country that was not as fortunate as my own. To really appreciate the fact that we have it good.

Finishing a marathon:
Although it wasn’t a big marathon, only 5km. The Cause (Breast Cancer) was what made me do it. I had a great suppose system, many donations and I met a lot of lovely people in the process. I look forward to training in the New Year and maybe run a half marathon when I can!

Beginning My Career in Health Care: It was a long road but I finally became a paramedic.  Also throughout the year I became an instructor of First Aid & CPR. I have been blessed with many great students! I also worked as a Licensed Practical Nurse in a seniors facility. I have a new appreciation for working with the elderly and have met an amazing group of people.

Buying a House: Its a dream that I have always wanted. I can’t say that I am completely organized but its a process in the making. I am glad to have been able to have this opportunity with my boyfriend!

Almost Debt Free: This year one of my biggest accomplishments was that I took a stance on my financial problems and did something about it. I still have debt, but I am 3 years away from being clear of it and it feels good!

Things About Me....

Being a nice person: I'm hardly perfect, but it's good to know in my heart that I'm a kind person. I'd never intentionally hurt anyone. I don't believe in being mean. I hate to see anyone cry and love to see people smile. I may be a bit shy sometimes and not the best at socializing, but I genuinely appreciate and care about people.

Being a decent Writer: At least, when I really try. I'm happy I can express myself and my imagination that way. I may not be the best writer, and there's always plenty of room for improvement, but I do know I have some talent to build on.  I hope to someday add “wrote a novel” to my accomplishments!

Accomplishing goals: To one degree or another, I tend to follow through on things. I thrive on having goals to strive for and am happy about the fact I've been able to achieve some of them. I like that I have been able to stick to them and not give up when the going gets tough

Having a good memory: I'm quite good at keeping track of things and remembering certain kinds of details. Or at least I'm good at writing things down so I don't forget. Most of the time, anyway.

Being sensitive: Some folks may say I'm too sensitive at times, but in a way I'm glad, because that means I'm sensitive to other people's feelings, also. I'd rather be too sensitive than not sensitive enough.

Overall 2011 was a Good Year...

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