Friday 30 December 2011

What am I?

Alright.. This blog will be short and sweet unlike my other long winded rants.  I need a title for myself.. and I will explain why... I have been looking up online bloggers... seeing what they have to say and getting idea's for my own blog! However... I can't find anything.

Everyone has a title...but not me, so I need your help. If you have children, you can look up "mommy' based blogs. Same goes if your married.. there is tons of blogs based on married life and life with children and even blogs about the newly engaged couples. Also if your guessed it! Theres a blog for that!

I am none of those, Ive never been married or engaged and I don't have any children, Ive also never been pregnant or have never been to jail, so that takes away another type of blogging.  So what am I? am I a Mid-20's Girl... with a job, house and boyfriend? Is there a category for that?

I can't be the only girl in the world like me? Can I?

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