Thursday 15 December 2011

The Perfect Agenda

So, there is something that I dread each and every year, I fear it, I obsess over it, and think about it before, during and after it is done. Its not my birthday, I actually like having those, although I would like to be younger.  The thing that I dread the most is buying an agenda.

Now from this moment you may think that I am on crack but I will explain my crazyness. From the time I started school we were always given those school agenda's for homework, we would doodle in them, they would become our diaries, a place to hold notes and pictures of the boys we liked. As we got older, they held all the important points about our social lives, exa, schedules and our first jobs like MacDonalds or Tim Hortons.  Now that I am an adult, I need one to keep me sane.

I work 3 jobs, I have work apointments, social appointments, health appointments, somewhere in there I have find time to go to the gym, family time, friend time & boyfriend time... and sleep (we gotta have that right). Anyways, I have specifics for the agenda I am looking for and what I would consider "perfect".  I need an agenda that has a full calender. One that I can write all my schedule in it and be bale to see it a month in advance. I also like to have page by page calenders. I like agendas that have rings in them or coils.

Once I have found one of these (which it took me 3 weeks to find) I have to then switch everything over which gives me anxiety. I feel like I will leave things out, miss important dates... who knows! I realize someday I am going to have children of my own and my obsession,fixation and anxiety about keeping track of things is going to be crazy!!!

Alright.... haha now you know it, I am a freak! :)

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