Hey Everyone, NYE is closely approaching...
It is almost the end of December and most of us are probably going to make new years resolutions! I have never made a new years resolution that I have kept, and I think that sucks! I believe that it is pointless to wait the whole year, just for one day. A day when you are expected to receive a burst of motivation and energy to do something, that you are not quite sure you truly want to do, but everybody else thinks you should!
Most people, claim that they will begin eating healthy, exercising more regularly, quit smoking, stop drinking, blog more often and so on, when the new year comes. But do they really believe it? Most new years resolutions are based on “living the right way”. Stop for a second, and think about your new years resolutions that you have made in the past. How many of them do you truly, deeply want with your heart to happen? How many are actually attainable? How many have you succeeded in?
To my knowledge it appears that almost all new years resolutions end up with failure. It is the same as “ I will start dieting on Monday!”…and what you have two weeks later is that you’ve wasted fourteen days, keeping up with your old bad habits! Change is not about the right time, the right circumstances… it is more about desire, motivation, patience, perseverance (Look at me sounding all philosophical).
Most new year’s resolutions are not realistic. They are a bold dream, a big gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Almost every single person on Earth, will make at least one resolution! When January comes, everybody will start with big enthusiasm to do wonders and change the world, but in two weeks, most people will give up on the change, and live with their old, bad habits!
In my opinion, Forget about new year’s resolutions and start living today. Don’t put off your life for tomorrow or for the next week! Your life is today! Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. If you truly want something, start doing it today!
With that being said, my New Years Resolutions will be simple, I am going to start living for me.. and get with the program! Im not going to get anywhere being lazy!!!
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