Monday 19 December 2011

Insight On Me..

In my family, women have big mouths, loud voices and broad shoulders. Everything about me stems from this fact.  I don’t play games (or at least I try not to). I just open my mouth and say it. Straight out, even (especially) if it hurts. I often get myself in trouble for expressing how I feel and blurting out the unessecary, but not to the ones I love. I have difficulty expressing things to them sometimes.

I consider myself to be feisty, pretty, intelligent, if I’m truthful with myself, I usually deserve better, settle far too often, and am intensely loyal. A friend is a friend forever, but do not cross me. It will become my life’s ambition to see you in as much pain as you cause (really imagine... Just Kidding). With that being said, I like to pretend like I am tough.  I despise unfairness to the point where I can become a whiny little girl ready to explode @ the world. I never learned to be enough. Not pretty enough, smart enough, thin enough, polite enough, good enough. I didn’t know I could be. With that being said, I have accepted the fact that I am not perfect and yet still love myself!!!

On the inside, I feel the same as I did at 17, warm and restless. I worry about gray hair and wrinkles on my face, the pudge that begins to build on my body and the fact that I probably won't grow past my 5 foot 2 vertically challenged body.

The past few weeks have been like candy: Full of hard, sticky memories, too sweet and too sharp to swallow. I moved straight past anger, through blame, and am just now settling somewhere between sad and satisfied but thats life right? thats how we deal??  What is important is that I am for the first time in my 27 years of life releasing any and all attachments to particular things that I stressed out about and I am forcing myself to slow down, look around and take in the happiness that life can bring.

In 27 years, I’ve never traveled without a plan, or a spare pair of underwear. I am a master organizer who will not rest until the goal is accomplished or at least almost done. I always need to have something on the go, or I feel like I am missing out on things. I feel content with saying that I am going to sit back and relax more often, and find myself with the help of some great friends, family, boyfriend and a nice big bottle of Pinot Grigio (wine).

I won’t lie. This is a huge adjustment.  Sort of like having a supporting role in my own life. I’m present, but not too present. Self-contained, but wholly unfamiliar. Maybe the air will smell cleaner, sparkle more..... this is me growing up and turning into an adult! How am I doing?


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