Friday 30 December 2011

Nice Kitty...Soft Kitty...Little Ball Of Fur

So, because I am a crazy cat lover... and always have been... I decided to write a little blurb on why cats are great and why they make better pets then dogs (hehe). Just so you know... I love dogs too!!!

Cats have a better display of affection. No animal is more affectionate than a cat. Many dog lovers do not appreciate the kind of affection that cats can give because, well, they are dog owners and therefore require that their pets cover them in buckets of drool instead as a display of love. Cat's on the other hand show their affection in so many other ways.  They love you regardless of who you are or what you did that day, but want to be near you in your presence.

Cats Love You Enough to Eat Mice Admit it, even you don't love yourself enough to do that. In fact, you don't love anyone that much, do you? I know I don't. Personally, mice freak me out. Now, it could be argued that dogs would eat mice for you if they could, but the truth is, they don't or can’t, one of the two. Instead they are either too busy eating the newspaper or your shoe or anything else to bother with mice.  But a cat will eat mice for you to show you the nature of its love.
Cats Love You Enough to Prevent You For Getting Hurt Ever walk  barefoot in the night, that's another way to know how much your cat really loves you. See,  when a dog hears something they may love you enough to bark if there's a robber in your house, but that's about all a dog will do. Sure, it's very nice that D.O.G cares about your life and property, but he doesn't care about the little things. True love is in the details. Thats where we come to Cat Vomit...See, people think that cats throw up all the time because they have disgusting hairballs that choke them up and make them puke. But that's not why at all. They puke all over the carpet because they love you and are concerned about your health..obviously something in the house is dirty and unhealthy because it made them puke. You know those nights when you wake up and you start to walk through the house, your kind of in a daze...not quite awake...and you could trip and fall.. But you don't because dear kitty has left a nice wad of vomit to snap you entirely awake. Your cat loves you very much and wants to prevent you from bumping into something in the night.

Cats Love You and Want You to Be Fashionable. Everyone knows that cats are very cool. You've heard the expressions "Cool Cat" Well the truth is that they are cool and they don't want the people they love to be uncool so they try to help us out. Particularly in the area of fashion. Unfortunately cats cannot speak human languages so they have no way to tell us that our clothing choices look like horrible. But they can communicate in their very own way, which is why they shed their fur all over the furniture. All that fur stuck to your shirt and all down the backs of your nice black pants is really a feline way of saying, "Hunny, please, that outfit is awful. Go upstairs and try again."

Cats Are Easy To Bathe Bathing a cat is very simple. A few licks and it's done... and you don’t even have to do any of the work. Bathing dogs is nowhere near as easy. First off, dog fur tastes really don’t want to lick them, because they obviously don’t know how to.  So you have to put them in a tub or use a hose, which can become a lot of work.  Dogs make messes with water...and get you all wet when they shake. Cats will never get you wet. In fact, they love you so much they won't let you get them anywhere near a tub or a garden hose. Cats let you keep it simple, no water required!!!!

Cat’s Give Us Our Space Cats understand how important your personal time is. you and others may think that cats are cold because they ignore you and won't come to you no matter how much you call to them in that cute baby voice.  They are not actually ignoring you at all. What's really happening is that your cat is so smart it actually understands when you need some personal time, even when you don't think you do.  It knows better....

Cats Help You Keep Your Home Décor New. This is another area where people easily confuse dog actions with those of cats. You see, cats destroy your furniture for much the same reason they shed the fur that gets on your clothes. Kitty Cat retracts his claws and rips apart your upholstery is not because he is a horribly un-trainable monster in need of a swift kick. No Not at all. It's because he, being a fashionita and has realized well before you have that some furniture has gone fashionably out of date. Even if it is brand new cats will share their expertise with you and show you their opinion with their sharp claws. Think about how much this cat loves you if he is willing to risk being tossed outside or squirted with your little water bottle just to keep you from looking outdated to your guests.

Your Cat Loves you Enough to Purr. That's right, they do. What's more pleasant than a nice kitty, soft kitty..little ball of fur  purring on your lap, its little belly rising and falling with the sweet subtle sound of contented love? I'll tell you, there's not much. ( for all you big bang lovers....)

....So Cats Win, That is all! Speaking of Cats... heres our little Furball Jack!!!!

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