Thursday 12 January 2012

Do You Ever Have Days...

Do you ever have days where you feel like your to-do list is just so long, you'll never complete everything?

Do you ever have days where your e-mail inbox, or text box is so full, you just get overwhelmed?

Do you ever have days when you just want to lay in your bed all day with the coziest blanket, the warmest slippers... and just not do anything????

Do you ever have days where you want to upload all photos on your camera, but oh yeah, you don't have the time, so you end up posting blog posts titled "Do you ever have days..."?

Do you ever have days where you just don’t care, you know you have things to do but...meh? It can be done another day right?

Do you ever have days where you have multiple tabs open on your browser because you have so many things you need to look at yet, and if you close them, you'll forget? And... They are important!

Do you ever have days where your kitchen table is piled high with bills to sort and notes to take and lists of things to buy at the store, and...


You don't?


I do.

Be back when I've found my sanity...and if you have it, please give it back. Thanks. :)

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