Wednesday 25 January 2012


Lately, I've been pretty darn happy with my body. I've been away from home, so I haven't had access to junk food that we have at home, but I do think I'm getting more fit or in shape. While my clothes may not be fitting loosely (yet), they're fitting very comfortably - which is a step up from when I used to be working @ the Nursing home... masking my weight under scrubs.  Wearing regular clothes would be constricting me because of the extra poundage I was putting on (and water retention from all the salt in most restaurant foods).

This morning, I decided to step on the scale at my parents house to see where I stood, I thought I'd see a big drop. But... no such luck. I was a little disappointed, but then I turned toward the mirror - and I really liked what I saw. My stomach looks flatter, my arms and legs look more toned, and that made my day. So how could the scale be so high? Muscles being heavier than fat be damned; I wanted that number on the scale to go down!

I didn't dwell on it, as I had a million other things to think about at the start of my day, but later in the morning I happened to come across this cool picture ( look @ the bottom)  I read it and wholeheartedly agreed with it.. 

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