Wednesday 11 January 2012

Saying Things We Don't Mean!

Whether we like to admit it or not, we've all done it... You and your partner are arguing, and in the heat of the moment, you or they blurt out some very mean things to try to dig the knife deeper... I am extremely guilty of this. I get in heated arguments and just as I know I shouldn’t..I say something negative, something rude, something unforgivable and unacceptable. Soon as the words exit my lips, I regret. When a couple is seriously locked in a battle and the adrenaline is surging, odds are they are not going to solve the problem and usually one or both will say mean and hurtful things that they will come to regret later. And as I said, these words can be very damaging. I believe it’s something we would never normally say and it pops out in anger, it’s not what we really think. Honestly, if deep down inside we actually thought it, surely we would have said it before. So, this is my online apology! Im sorry to all the people that I have told off during a fit of anger! It wasn’t my intention and although I cannot take it back, I do sincerly apologize.

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