Saturday 28 January 2012

My Bucket List

I think we all have a bucket list, whether written down or not, of the things we want to do before we head north.  My life experiences have taught me to get busy, because none of us knows just how long we have.  I’m not being all gloom and doom, I’m just saying get off your hiney and make some things happen.

While my 20-something years have been filled with lots of adventures, beautiful travels, lots of laughter, a few tears and hard work, there’s quite a lot of time left to get things done.
So in no particular order, I fully intend on accomplishing this bucket list at one point or another throughout the next several decades of my life. I see these items mostly as goals, dreams, ambitions, hopes, wants and desires. As I make progress, I’ll cross them off....Of course, I’ll consistently add to the list too–ya know, to keep you on your toes.

- Go to the Grand Canyon (went to Vegas in 2009.... but didn’t go to the GC)
- Skydive
- Start my own blog
- Learn to speak a new language fluently
- Read a new book every week (.... always in progress)
- Buy a fancy camera (like one with a fancy lense and flash)
- Take a photography class
- Learn how to drive stick shift
- Purchase a home of my own or with a partner
- Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef
- Go on an African safari and see a Giraffe in the wild
- Run a Marathon
- Buy a new car
- Go to California
- Take a U.S. road trip
- Fly a Plane (Best Birthday Present Ever)
- Go on a hot air balloon ride
- Change a Tire on A Car
- Be Engaged
- Be a Wedding Planner
- Go down South on an all inclusive trip (Cuba 2011)
- Eat Sushi
- Go into school for something in the Health care Field (graduated, Now a Paramedic)
- Get Married
- Write a Book
- Have Children of My Own
- Sponser a Child from another country ( I have from Lebanon)
- Go on an All Girls Trip Somewhere
- Be a bridesmaid (Mindy's Wedding 2011)
- Sang in front of Strangers
- Learned To Play Guitar
- Take Nude Photo's Professinally
- Be some Kind of Teacher  (First Aid Instructor)
- Adopt a Pet  (Adopted two Kitties)

- Become involved in a Church
- Be in a Movie or Commercial
- Go to Hawii
- Be debt Free
- Backpack Across Europe
- Go White Water rafting  (Summer 2008 in Maine)

- Climb a Mountain
- Learn to Ski
- See Elton John in Concert (February 2009 in Las Vegas)
- Meet Someone famous
- See The Northern Lights
- Paint a Complete Room
- Be Paid to Make a Scrapbook
- Start My own Buisness
- Learn to Make Wine

 This List... Will Continue to Grow....

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