Monday 16 January 2012


So, I thought I would take a different approach for todays Blog. I remember being young and silly and always living by what was in my horoscope. Its been years since I have read one... so today I did just that and here is what it said.

“You will want a break from the predictability of your usual routine and methods. You're in the mood to experiment and to learn something new. Offbeat or original ideas excite you and you will seek people who can offer you a different way of looking at things. Discovery, inventiveness, and spontaneity are major themes now.”

...So this got me to thinking of how much my life is actually based on routines, patterns and prediction.  We all have them... but did you ever stop to think about them? This may sound very strange to you, but to me it made perfect sense. Have you ever noticed how small and narrow your life is? Now I don't mean children, or husbands and wives, cars or houses, how much money you have....I just mean you and what you do. 

Think about your day, Ignore the pieces that you have to do, like going to work. This is about your free time. What do you do? Start from the very beginning. You get up. How do you get up? Do you always place your left foot on the ground first? Put on your glasses? Do you drink the water that is beside your bed, walk straight to the bathroom, clean your teeth first? How do you do it? Think. Is everything always in the same order?

The Question is why do we do it this way? Try and think of how many habits you use in just one day. Then ask yourself why. Is it just the easiest way to do everything?  Have we subconsciously programmed ourselves so that everything falls into place perfectly. I have always been one for routines, ever since I was young,  I did everything a certain way so that I wouldn’t forget things.  So many of us walk through life, on a narrow strip of routines... never stepping outside the box, never changing our ways. I know I feel so much better when I am back inside my house, making tea, sitting in my certain place on the sofa, and watching my favorite TV show..curled up in a blanket.

Crazyness....I like my routines... my plans and the way my day goes.  Just some food for thought!!

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