Tuesday 3 January 2012

...My not so Private Life!

So.. I was casually watching the news today and stumbled upon a clip stating that our lives on the internet are not as private as we believe they are. Do you know what kind of personal information about you can be found on the Internet? Do you know that your name, address, phone number, unwanted pictures, bad publicity, and negative comments from Google and other search results can be found.

You'll be surprised to see what kind of information people can find about you. Without your knowledge and permission, most your personal information is published on the Internet and such things are available for public to search. With your name or a telephone number, anyone can pinpoint the house you live in and obtain all kinds of personal details about you. even worse, there are maybe false, negative, and untrue information and comments about you or your business, your children, friends and family that are spreading on Internet too.

..So I googled my name...I was extremely surprised. Any blog, social media website, account... or group I was involved with online... was attached to my name. Not to mention the places that I have lived, my profession, my age and even pictures I have posted. So it makes me wander how private my life really is. Potential employers don’t just have to stalk you on facebook to learn about you.

If you want to be alarmed, like I was...then take a gander to www.spokeo.com a website that has gathered information from various places on the web about none other than YOU. ..If you don't believe me then type your name into the search engine and see what comes up about you.  And then sit back and take in the fact that they know your address, your age, your salary…even your religion.  Same thing with your Facebook page. Apparently,  All someone has to do is copy your photo and put it somewhere else on the web and it becomes public knowledge – including companies that are buying your information.  Don’t even get me started on the so-called privacy of Facebook.  Basically, there is none.

..My wonderful Boyfriend decided to google my name and found everything he ever wanted to know about me (luckily there was not anything incriminating). Anything I have ever signed up for such as myspace, hi5, facebook and any other social media I was involved in, was accessible via google.  Now my name isn't a common name... but the thought is still pretty scary. Do you know what the internet has to say about you?

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