Saturday 21 January 2012


I thought once I grew away from the curfews, parental house rules, and the occasional ‘you’re grounded’ catch phrase and into a land where all of those things became obsolete that I was home free. Well I was sadly mistaken. If this is ‘home free’ then I want a do-over and would gladly allow my mother to revisit her ‘days of grounding. Unfortunately life doesn’t have a do-over option So instead, I will take a moment of silence to bid farewell to a few things that I have taken for granted over the years. Goodbye free room and board or any sort of parental donations (we had a good run and my bank account & I will shed some good tears over our separation), goodbye college (you may be in my past, but don’t you worry I will try my best to pretend you are still with me on the nights where I can procrastinate till the early hours of the morning...when i should be doing something else!), goodbye weekly social life (my liver will still smile, but I have my Facebook account to remind me of your past existence and the many drinks shared with friends!!!)

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