Monday 9 January 2012

Lies Lies Lies!!!

Well, I am back as promised! So I was kind of busy there for awhile, life took over (How dare it come between me and my blogging)! So I have been doing a lot of reading lately while working @ my new job.. waiting for people to get hurt or sick so I can tend to them (it sounds bad, but thats my job). Lately I have been a big fan of the Emily Giffin books.. She wrote the something Borrowed, Something Blue collection. Emily Giffin’s  books are funny, sensitive and truthful depictions of female friendships and the complexities of marriage and motherhood and the ever so popular question of “What If”. I enjoy her books because there is always a sense of truth to them. With that being said....a truth for her books is that people always life. That is what I am choosing this blog to be about!
Women & men alike are taught to lie from childhood. Those simple, altruistic lies such as saying we've had a lovely time  out on a date when we actually hadn’t, that someone looks nice when she doesn't, or that we're delighted with a gift we don't really like, are just some of the small ways that lying oils the wheels of our social lives, keeps the peace, and makes other people happy (admit it we all do it).In fact, we lie so much and for so many reasons that often we don't even think of it as lying at all, but as 'relationship management'.
  In Emily’s last book that I read.. and interesting quote states that couples often lie to other couples about how often they have sex with their partners. Common, you’ve heard it eh? You speak to a new couple... in there first few months... Having sex like rabbits, everywhere and anywhere. Then comes the ring & the baby and the sex stops altogether?  So I dug a little further and found some interesting information. What I discovered after doing some research, was that age is not necessarily relevant to regularity of sex, and that it is not unusual to find a couple in their seventies enjoying intercourse three or four times a week, or for a couple in their thirties to only have intercourse once a fortnight... and it really has nothing to do with how many kids they have, or how many years they have been together.
  I believe that as long as both partners are open in their communication about their desires & dislikes, and they both make a conscious effort to maintain their sex lives, they can keep happy & healthy intimacy going for decades. So Why do you think we lie? Do we look better to our friends if we say we have sex every day versus once a week? Does it mean our relationship is in a rut? Who knows... but we all do it!!!!

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